
Fume2k's Piece-Book
Playstation Games

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Seven86 Industries
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This is the arcade section. Check out some computer games that I have made. They are obviously not the best games... comparing them with a game like Half-Life or Unreal would not be right. If you do wnat to compare them, please do it with Atari. Yes, that's how bad these games are. But considering that the games only took me 2 hours to make and I'm only one person, they're not that bad.

The first game available is called USO. This is a really crappy game... it defines the word crappy game. Seriously. It only took me 1.5 hours to make. There are four levels in this game. The object of the game is to shoot the bad guy and collect the power ups to proceed to the next level. The game is only 600K's. So please feel free to download it...
click here to download
****if the game doesn't work, download this file (to download it, right click on the link and select "Save Target As...")
